Free Small Business Templates and Tools
Here's a collection of business tools featuring dozens of templates, books, worksheets, tools, software, checklists, videos, manuals, spreadsheets, and much more. All free to download, no strings attached.
► Free Small Business Templates and Tools
How to Create an LLC for Free
1. An Extensive Business Plan Template
In MS Word Format
This is a high quality, full blown business
plan template complete with detailed instructions and all related
spread sheets. It allows you to prepare a professional business plan
for any business.
Get it here:
For more insightful videos visit our Small Business and Management Skills YouTube Channel.
2. Book: How to Start a Business from Scratch: A Step by Step
Guide to Starting a Small Business
This is a
practical manual that will walk you step by step through all the
essential phases of starting a business. The book is packed with
guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are
absolutely crucial to your business' success yet are simple and
easy to apply.
Copy the following link to your browser and save the file to
your PC:
3. Small Business Management Software Program
This is an easy to use Excel based
Software program. It is a multi feature business management program that
will help you do the following:
* Plan and analyze your start up
expenses and sales
Simply type
in once your business' details and assumptions and it will
automatically produce a comprehensive set of financial
projections and analysis for your specific business, including:
Start-Up Expenses, Projected Balance Sheet, Projected Cash Flow
Statement, Financial Ratios Analysis, Projected Profit and Loss
Statement, Break Even Analysis, and many more.
Copy the
following link to your browser and save the file to your PC:
Here's a
detailed guide that will walk you step by step
and show you exactly how to effectively use the above program.
Copy the
following link to your browser and save the file to your PC:
Here’s How We Save a Ton of Money on Car Insurance
The single most critical factor in getting a cheaper car insurance rate is shopping around for as many quotes as you can. Why? Because different insurance companies charge different rates for the same coverage. In addition, insurance companies' competitiveness differs tremendously by customer location.
You need to compare rates. Only by obtaining several quotes, that are specific to your situation and location, you will be really able to discover the cheapest rate that is available to you. Now, usually shopping around for quotes can be a tedious and time consuming task, but we will make it here much easier for you. Right now there is probably a company that offers a better rate than what you are currently paying. But how can you find it?
Here is our little trick. To discover the cheapest car insurance rate that is available to us, we use this free service: (toll-free) at (855) 981-7528. They perform the tedious task of shopping around, and present you with the cheapest auto insurance provider for your location. We call this service every year before our car insurance expires. It allows us to discover whether there is a cheaper car insurance rate than ours, and has saved us lots of money over the years.
► Free business books from Amazon.
► Video guides to improve your management skills.
► 300 free business and management guides.
► Free business templates and tools.
► Free books to improve your management skills.
► Free books for starting a business.
► A comprehensive resource of free management and business related stuff.
Do you have what it takes to succeed in a Business? This management quiz will help you assess your managerial skills
The first question you should answer when you are thinking of starting a business is "Am I the type?" You will be the most important employee in your business. It is more important that you rate yourself objectively as the business manager than how you rate any prospective employee.
Appraise your strengths and your weaknesses. As a prospective operator of your own business, acknowledge that you are weak in certain areas and cover the deficiency by either retraining yourself or hiring someone with the necessary skill. The questions in this quiz indicate to what extent you have the personal traits important to a business manager.
Starting a Service Business Starting a Home Business Starting a Retail Business Starting a Construction Business Starting a Manufacturing Company
Learn how to improve your leadership skills and become a better manager and leader. Here's how to be the boss people want to give 200 percent for. In the following video you'll discover 120 powerful tips and strategies to motivate and inspire your people to bring out the best in them.
For more insightful videos visit our Small Business and Management Skills YouTube Chanel.
9 Tips to Boost Your Business Performance
William A. Ward once said, "Four steps to achievement: Plan purposefully. Prepare prayerfully. Proceed positively. Pursue persistently". Use Ward's advice while pursuing the following tips.
1. Stay current
Join an industry association related to your product or
offering. Subscribe to all the magazines that cover your
business (they are tax deductible!). Read and constantly be
researching topics about your business. It's easy on the
2. Make sure you have a
financial plan
Also a budget and a measurement
process to keep track of how you are doing monthly. If you
don't know where you stand financially and have no short
term and long term financial goals, then you are just
letting fate dictate your success and we know those odds
aren't too good. Control your own destiny!
3. Cash forecasting
It sounds boring and difficult, but it's not. Keep it
simple. Look at your next 3 months projected income or
revenue, then just lay next to it all the expenditures you
need to keep the business running. The difference is your
cash flow. You must do this to avoid surprises. Most
businesses hit the brick wall because they fail to
understand their cash flow.
4. Get an advisory board or a
Sounds crazy for a small operation? It's
not! The board can be family members that you trust, or
friends. Ask them to be your board of directors and review
your business plans and results with them. Having someone to
bounce ideas off and get an objective opinion is critical.
Or, hire a business coach.
5. Maintain a balance between
work, play and family
This is critical for long
term success. We all put in crazy hours on a short term
basis to get a hot project done or the product out the door,
but if you do this on a long term, regular basis it is a
dangerous sign that you are losing perspective. You need to
be able to step away on a regular basis and get your
batteries re-charged. And also have time for family because
if they suffer it is almost a sure bet your business will
suffer too.
6. Network
easy to get isolated in a home business or your own small
business operation. Force yourself to get out and meet with
others that can provide a business support structure for
you. One of the benefits of a corporation is the workings of
teams and the ongoing support structure it provides. You
need to create that for yourself. Don't think you can do it
all by yourself; by talking to others in business you will
find out great ideas and it will help motivate you.
7. Discipline/Motivation
One of the hardest aspects of a small business is creating
the discipline or motivation to work each day. It is so easy
to get distracted and put off the essential tasks that need
to get done. Keep your work place and hours separate from
the rest of your responsibilities. Develop a to-do list
EVERYDAY. Set goals for the week. Review how you are doing
against them. We all struggle with this and it is one of the
key elements of success.
8. Don't rest on your laurels
Be prepared to always change. Force change. Look for things
to do more efficiently or how to improve your offering or
product. Constantly evaluate your competition and benchmark
yourself against them.
9. Do something you love
If you are in a business that you hate, then it is a good
bet you won't be successful. Find where your true talents
and skills are and get in a business that exploits them. The
saying, "if you do what you love and the money will follow"
is so true. Remember success is more attitude than aptitude
and never forget that failure is only the opportunity to
begin again more intelligently.
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