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Watch This Video Before Starting Your Furniture Flipping Business Plan PDF!

Checklist for Starting a Furniture Flipping Business: Essential Ingredients for Success

If you are thinking about going into business, it is imperative that you watch this video first! it will take you by the hand and walk you through each and every phase of starting a business. It features all the essential aspects you must consider BEFORE you start a Furniture Flipping business. This will allow you to predict problems before they happen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas. Ignore it at your own peril!

For more insightful videos visit our Small Business and Management Skills YouTube Chanel.

Here’s Your Free Furniture Flipping Business Plan DOC

This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete with detailed instructions and all related spreadsheets. You can download it to your PC and easily prepare a professional business plan for your Furniture Flipping business.
Click Here! To get your free business plan template

Free Book for You: How to Start a Business from Scratch (PDF)

A Step by Step Guide to Starting a Small Business
This is a practical manual in a PDF format, that will walk you step by step through all the essential phases of starting your Furniture Flipping business. The book is packed with guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are absolutely crucial to your business' success yet are simple and easy to apply.

Copy the following link to your browser and save the file to your PC:

Using Temporary Help Services

 How do you cope with unexpected personnel shortages? Many businesses are facing this question whether the cause is seasonal peaking, inventory taking, special projects, several employees on sick leave at the same time, or an unexpected increase in business.

Many companies are finding a convenient and economical solution to such problems in the services of temporary personnel firms. This guide explains these services, points out some of their advantages and outlines some steps that can be taken to ensure getting the best possible results from using them.

Almost every business needs extra help at one time or another. A rush order comes in. The work load suddenly zooms and then drops back to normal when the rush order is finished. More employees than usual are absent because of illness or vacations. A special project has to have attention right away. Seasonal demands must be met or inventories must be taken without disrupting your usual business. The extra-heavy workload puts a strain on you, on your employees, and on your budget because of the overtime it requires.

These temporary shortages of personnel are especially hard for the owner-manager of the smaller businesses to handle. Their staff is small. There is little leeway for shifting schedules. Yet they cannot afford to keep on their payrolls workers who are not needed when the workload is at a normal level.

The use of temporary personnel is a relatively new approach to solving many of the personnel problems facing both large and small businesses. You can hire these extra workers by recruiting them yourself or using a private employment agency. Or you can call on a temporary personnel service firm to meet your needs. These specialized firms are usually equipped to supply you with a wide variety of people, or, in the case of some of the larger services, handle a complete department including supervisors and workers.

What Is a Temporary Personnel Service?

A temporary personnel service is not an employment agency. Like many service firms, it hires people as its own employees and assigns them to companies requesting assistance. This means that when you use such a service, you are not hiring an employee; you are buying the use of their time. The temporary personnel firm is responsible for payroll, bookkeeping, tax deductions, workers compensation, fringe benefits and all other similar costs connected with the employee. You are relieved of the burden of recruiting, interviewing, screening and even testing and training if these are necessary. Most national temporary personnel companies also offer performance guarantees and fidelity bonding at no added cost to their clients. In addition, you are relieved of the need for government forms and for reporting withholding tax, etc. The temporary service firm takes these responsibilities.

You may contract for a secretary, a word processing operator, a bookkeeper, a switchboard operator, a product demonstrator, a packer, added sales personnel or any of many other types of office, professional, and industrial workers. You may contract for temporary personnel for a day or for a much longer period of time.

Whatever help you need, a temporary personnel service will try to provide the right person for the job. Some temporary personnel companies specialize in one type of help, such as office workers. Others can supply a broad range of personnel from unskilled labor to accountants and engineers.

Some of the other areas where temporary personnel are profitable to use include a temporary second shift to allow you to make the most use of expensive equipment investments. Sales blitzes to introduce new products, special quarterly or year end invoicing problems, special telephone sales programs or order taking, and seasonal catalog sales are examples. Some companies contract for teams of temporary people to perform microfilming of documents, retrieval of information, and maintenance of files. Temporaries also find wide use at trade shows, product sampling or demonstrations. National temporary firms can offer the smaller company a means of handling a national marketing effort that allows them to compete with larger organizations without excessive permanent overhead.

Why Not Hire Your Own Temporary Personnel?

Hiring temporary workers on your own has several important disadvantages. For one thing, it may hamper your efforts to attract good permanent employees. Layoffs when an emergency has passed can lower moral among the regular employees and, if it happens too often, gives your firm a reputation for instability.

Another disadvantage is that you may not be able to get help when you need it. There may be times when the labor market is tight and the skills you need are not readily available. Also, you may feel that the time you spend in orienting new people for short-term employment is largely wasted.

The financial aspects of hiring short-term personnel is also of major importance. On the surface it may appear that using temporary personnel costs more than hiring additional employees yourself, but there are many costs that are not usually considered. As an example, mandatory costs, such as social security, unemployment insurance, workers compensation, etc., amounts to over 11% of the basic salary. Payment for time not worked including vacations, holidays and sick days, amounts to almost 9%. Then there are company paid benefits such as health insurance, pension plans, discounts and recordkeeping, payroll and other paperwork amounts to another 6-7%. Total hidden costs are in the neighborhood of 42%.

Advantages of Using a Temporary Services Firm

People supplied by a temporary service firm are quickly available. Usually they can start the day after the request has been made and, in some cases, can even be made available the same day. Experienced and well qualified, they need little, if any, assistance. They usually walk in and begin functioning right away. Using people from this source, you can adjust to fast-breaking opportunities or problems without interrupting your regular production schedule.

Some companies need temporary help every week for a few hours, for example for payroll computation. Others need temporary workers for full days at various time - regularly or occasionally.

The hourly rate you pay a temporary service firm is generally higher than the base hourly or weekly salary you would pay an employee you hired yourself; however, the cost of getting the work done is less. Using a temporary services firm does away with many personnel and recordkeeping operations that are costly and time consuming. The costs of maintaining records and filing forms for fringe benefits, payroll taxes and administration are eliminated. So are the costs of advertising, screening responses, interviewing, testing, checking references and all of the other functions needed to bring a new employee into the company. In addition, you save the cost of training, of overtime and idle periods. When you use a temporary firm you pay for the actual time worked only. You do not have to pay for lunch hours, vacations, sick days and other areas of non-productivity. Every company has some department where turnover is high. By using temporary personnel for such jobs you can improve your turnover statistics .


Since the Proprietor of Your business you deal with issues on an almost daily basis. Being familiar with effective Problem Solving
Techniques can dramatically affect the growth of your business.

Although you Find solutions to your problems, many businessmen and women aren't really skilled in the methods of problem solving,
and when solutions neglect, they mistake themselves for misjudgment. The problem is usually not misjudgment but rather a lack of

This manual Educates you in some problem solving processes. Critical to the success of a company faced with issues is the
comprehension of just what the problems are, setting themfinding answers, and picking the best answers for your situations.

What's a problem. A problem is a situation that poses trouble or perplexity. Problems come in many shapes and dimensions. By Way
of Example, it may be:

Something did Not function as it should and you don't know why or how. Something you need is unavailable, and something must be
found to take its place. Employees are undermining a brand new app. The market is not purchasing. What should you do to live?
Customers are complaining. How do you handle their complaints?

Where do Issues come from? Problems arise from every facet of human and mechanical purposes in addition to from nature. Some
problems we cause ourselves (e.g., a hasty choice was made and the wrong person was chosen for the task ); additional problems are
brought on by forces beyond our control (e.g., a warehouse is struck by lightning and burns ).

Problems are a Natural, regular occurrence of lifestyle, and in order to suffer less from the anxieties and frustrations they
cause, we must find out how to deal with them in a rational, logical manner.

If we accept The fact that problems will appear on a regular basis, for many different motives, and from an assortment of
resources, we could: learn how to approach problems from an objective point of view; learn how to anticipate some of these; and
stop some of them from getting larger problems.

To accomplish This, you need to learn the procedure for problem solving. Here, we will instruct you in the basic procedures of
difficulty. It is a step-by-step manual which you can easily follow and practice. As you follow this manual, you will eventually
develop some tips of your own that function in concert with the problem-solving procedure described within this guide.

Remember, However, as you read that this is not a comprehensive evaluation of the art of problem-solving but instead a sensible,
systematic, and simplified, yet effective, method to approach issues considering the limited time and information most company
owners and managers have. In addition, some issues are so complex that they require the additional aid of specialists in the
field, so be prepared to accept the fact that a number of problems are beyond just one person's ability, skill, and desire to

To be able to Appropriately identify the issue and its causes, you have to do some study. To do so, simply list each of the
previous queries in checklist form, and maintaining the checklist useful, go about collecting as much info as you possibly can.
Remember the relative importance and urgency of the issue, as well as your own time constraints. Then interview the folks involved
with the issue, asking them the questions on your own checklist.

After you've Gathered the data and assessed it, you'll have a fairly clear comprehension of the problem and what the significant
reasons for the issue are. Now, you can find out more about the causes farther through observation and extra interviewing. At this
time you should outline the problem as briefly as you can, list all the causes you've identified, and record all of the areas the
issue seems to be affecting.

At this point, You're ready to assess your understanding of the problem. You've already identified the problem, broken down it
into all its aspects, narrowed down it, done research on it, and you're avoiding typical roadblocks. On a large mat, write down
the issue, including each of the factors, the regions it affects, and what the effects are. For a better visual understanding, you
may also wish to diagram the problem showing cause and effect.

Study what you Have written down and/or diagrammed. Call in your employees and talk about your investigation together. Based on
their opinions, you might decide to revise. As soon as you believe you completely understand the causes and effects of the
problem, outline the problem as succinctly and as easily as you can.

Go through your Long list of solutions and cross-out those that clearly will not work. Those ideas aren't wasted for they
influence on these ideas that stay. In other words, the best ideas you select may be revised depending on the thoughts that would
not work. Together with the remaining solutions, use what's known as the"Force Field Analysis Technique." This is fundamentally an
analysis technique which divides down the solution to its positive results and negative effects. To do so write each solution
you're considering on a different piece of paper. Beneath the solution, draw a line vertically down the middle of this newspaper.
Label one column advantages and one column disadvantages.

Now, some more Analytical thinking comes into play. Assessing each facet of this solution and its influence on the problem,
listing each of the advantages and disadvantages you can consider.

1 way to help You think about the benefits and disadvantages would be to role-play every solution. Call in a couple of your
workers and perform out each alternative. Ask them to their own responses. Based on what you see and on their feedback, you'll
have a better idea of the benefits and drawbacks of each alternative you're thinking about.

After you Complete this process for each solution, pick those options that have the Many advantages. Now, you should be
considering only two or three.

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