If you are seeking a professional or managerial job, you will need tips writing resume. An effective resume "gets your foot in the door." It often leads to job interviews you might not otherwise get.
Your inventory should contain all the information you need to prepare your resume. You now have to select, arrange, and organize this raw material in the way that best relates your background to the job you seek.
Our first of the tips writing resume is to select the data you want to use. Ask yourself: Which parts of my training and experience are relevant to my job goal? Which parts, if any, are unrelated? Give all pertinent details about the positions that relate to your goal. But be brief in listing unrelated jobs; they are of little interest to a prospective employer.
Next, you must arrange the information you have selected. To catch an employer's attention, plan to list your best qualifications early in your resume. Ask yourself: Is my work experience the most important part of my resume? Or will an employer be more interested in my education and training?
You can organize your experience in one of two ways - by job or by function. The following outline and sample resumes can help you decide which one presents your work experience better.
Your resume should be detailed enough to give an employer the information needed to assess your qualifications. At the same time it should be concise. A busy employer wants the pertinent facts in as few words as possible. For example, in your work history the full sentence, "I was responsible for analyzing the cost sheets from the production department," can be condensed into a short phrase starting with an action verb: "Analyzed production cost sheets." If you have more than one job objective, you have two alternatives in preparing your resume:
One, you can list in order of preference all the jobs you are qualified for, giving back-up data for each, thus producing an all-purpose resume you can use for whatever job opening turns up. Or,
Two, before applying for a specific job, you can prepare a resume that shows your skills and experience in the best possible light for that particular employer. This, of course, takes more time and effort but you may decide it's worth it if:
Your job goals are in separate fields, for example, Sales Manager, Personnel Manager, etc.; or
You are approaching several employers and each is apt to put value on different aspects of your background, such as formal education, job experience, or your personal traits.
It is generally wise not to include anything in your resume about the salary or wages you have been paid and that you expect in future. Instead, wait until you know the duties and responsibilities of a specific job before deciding what the pay ought to be.
Your resume should be typed, even if you have to pay someone to do it. Have enough copies duplicated so you can distribute them widely to potential employers and key contacts who may know of possible openings.
Suggested Outline for Your Resume
Personal data
Begin with your name, address, and telephone number. Other personal data, such as your date of birth (optional) and your marital status and dependents, may follow or appear at the end of your resume.
Employment objective
Indicate the kind of job you are seeking. If you are qualified for several jobs and are preparing one all-purpose resume, list them in order of your preference.
Work history
You can organize this in two ways, by job or by function. Choose the one that presents your work experience better
By job
List each job separately (even if the jobs were within the same firm), starting with the most recent one and working backward. For each job, list:
Dates of employment,
Name and address of employer and nature of the business,
Position you held,
Specific job duties, including any special assignments and use of special instruments or equipment,
Scope of responsibility - your place in the organization, how many people you supervised, and in turn, the degree of supervision you received, and
Accomplishments, backed up by concrete facts and figures.
By function
List the functions (fields of specialization or types of work, such as engineering, sales promotion, or personnel management) you performed that are related to your present job objectives. Then describe briefly the work you have done in each of these fields, without breaking it down by jobs.
If this is your main selling point, put it before your work history. List your formal education, giving:
High school (can be omitted if you have a higher degree), college, graduate school, and other courses or training,
Dates of graduation or leaving school,
Degrees or certificates received,
Major and minor subjects and other courses related to your job goal,
Scholarships and honors, and
Extracurricular activities (if you are a recent graduate and your activities pertain to your job goal)
Military experience
List your military service if it is recent or pertinent to your job goal, indicating:
Branch and length of service,
Major duties, including details of assignments related to the job you seek, and
Any pertinent military training (here or under your education).
If appropriate to your field of work, give such information as:
Knowledge of foreign languages,
Volunteer or leisure activities,
Special skills such as ability to operate special equipment,
Membership in professional organizations, and
Articles published, inventions, or patents.
Give the names, positions, and addresses of three persons who have direct knowledge of your work competence. If you are a recent graduate, you can list teachers who are familiar with your school work. When possible, you should obtain the permission of the persons you use as references.
The following examples show some of the ways that a job seeker can organize a resume. They are for use only as general guides.
John W. Doe
304 Amen St., San Francisco, Calif. 94102
Tel: 778-0000
Employment Objective: Sales executive
Sales Promotion
Devised and supervised sales promotion projects for large business firms and manufacturers, mostly in the electronics field. Originated newspaper, radio, and television advertising and coordinated sales promotion with public relations and sales management. Analyzed market potentials and developed new techniques to increase sales effectiveness and reduce sales costs. Developed sales training manuals.
As sales executive and promotion consultant handled a great variety of accounts. Sales potentials in these firms varied from $100,000 to $5 million per annum. Was successful in raising the volume of sales in many of these firms 25 percent within the first year.
Sales Management
Hired and supervised sales staff on a local, area, and national basis. Established branch offices throughout the United States and developed uniform systems of processing orders and sales records. Promoted new products as well as improving sales of old ones. Developed sales training program. Developed a catalog system involving inventory control to facilitate movement of scarce stock between branches.
Market Research
Devised and supervised market research projects to determine sales potentials, as well as need for advertising. Wrote detailed reports and recommendations describing each step in distribution, areas for development, and plans for sales improvement.
Retail and wholesale. Direct sales to consumer, jobber, and manufacturer. Hard goods, small metals, and electrical appliances.
Order Clerk
Received, processed, and expedited orders. Trouble shooter. Set up order control system which was adopted for all branches.
2005-5008 B. B. Bowen Sales Development Co., San Francisco, Calif. - Sales Executive
2008-2009 Apex Sales Research Corp., Oakland, Calif. - Sr. Sales Promotion Mgr.
2009-2012 Dunnock Brothers Electronics, Co., San Francisco, Calif. - Order clerk, Sales-worker, Sales Mgr.
University of California, B.S.1985; Major Business Admin.
Personal data
Birth date, January 4,1963. Married, three children. World War II veteran.
Jane D. Jones
593 Ninth Avenue, Anytown, Ala. 35204
Tel: 422-2824
Age: 22
Marital status: single
Employment Objective: Reporter, copy editor
Standard State University, University City, Ala. B.S., cum laude,1996
Major: Journalism, Minor: Psychology, other courses: Beginning and advanced photography
Honors: Phi Kappa Phi
Extracurricular activities: Editor of college newspaper. Served earlier as copy editor and reporter.
2004-09 school year. Correspondent in University City for Anytown Gazette, Anytown, Ala.
June-August 2009. Anytown Gazette. Although working as a copy runner, I received a number of editorial assignments. Besides covering meetings and writing obituaries, I did a feature series with photographs on the county arts group. (Attached is a photocopy of stories I wrote.)
Summers 2010 and 2012. Wilder Dress Shop, 215 Main Street, Anytown, Ala. Sales clerk.
Prof. J. W. Wynn, School of Journalism, Standard State University, University City, Ala. 34205
Mr. William T. Ryan, editor, Anytown Gazette, Anytown, Ala. 35204
Mrs. Dora Cohen, assistant professor of journalism, Standard State University, University City, Ala. 34205
Letter of Application
In many fields of work, writing a letter of application is the customary way to ask for a personal interview. This is particularly true in the following cases:
When the employer you wish to contact lives in another city or town.
As a cover letter when you are mailing resumes.
When you are answering an ad.
The following guidelines may help you write a letter of application:
Type neatly, using care in sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation.
Use a good grade of letter-sized white bond paper.
Address your letter to a specific person, if possible (use city directories or other sources).
State exactly the kind of position you are seeking and why you are applying to the particular firm.
Be clear, brief, and businesslike.
Enclose a resume.
Letters of application will vary considerably depending on the circumstances in which they are used. The sample below illustrates one way of writing such a letter.
Mr. Wilbert R. Wilson
President, XYZ Company
3893 Factory Boulevard
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Dear Mr. Wilson:
Recently I learned through Dr. Robert R. Roberts of Atlantic and Pacific University of the expansion of your company's sales operations and your plans to create a new position of sales director. If this position is open, I would appreciate your considering me.
Starting with over-the-counter sales and order service, I have had progressively more responsible and diverse experience in merchandising products similar to yours. In recent years I have carried out a variety of sales promotion and top management assignments.
For your review I am enclosing a resume of my qualifications. I would appreciate a personal interview with you to discuss my application further.
Very truly yours,
John W. Doe
(This letter refers to the above resume for sales executive)
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