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Weight Loss paradise and hell

Introducing Our New FREE Diet App:

Here's How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

The 'Healthy Weight Loss Planner' app is a simple yet extremely effective weight loss tool that will make it easy for you to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. Now you can not just drop the pounds but also make sure they stay off.

The app uses a simple 3 step strategy to help you lose weight fast and healthy. Featuring a set of useful tools, including: body fat calculator, calorie needs calculator, daily diet planner and more, ...and best of all, it is completely free, no strings attached.

Use the diet planner now. Click Here to access the 'Healthy Weight Loss Planner' app for free .


How to Lose Weight Fast

Paradise and Hell (Zen Story)



I like Zen stories, they teach you lessons in a very unique way.

Here's one that I like. It is called "Paradise & Hell":

A soldier named Nobushige came to Hakuin, the Zen master, and asked: "Is there really a paradise and a hell?"

"Who are you?" inquired Hakuin.

"I am a samurai," the warrior replied.

"You, a soldier!" exclaimed Hakuin. "What kind of ruler would have you as his guard? Your face looks like that of a beggar."

Nobushige became so angry that he began to draw his sword, but Hakuin continued: "So you have a sword! Your weapon is probably much too dull to cut off my head."

As Nobushige drew his sword Hakuin remarked: "Here open the gates of hell!"

At these words the samurai, perceiving the master's discipline, sheathed his sword and bowed.

"Here open the gates of paradise," said Hakuin.

Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind;

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet;

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them;

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true;

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best;

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own;

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future;

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile;

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others;

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear; and too happy to permit the presence of trouble;

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words, but in great deeds;

To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you.




My personal story...

Here's How I Lost 20 Pounds In 10 Weeks and Kept It Off ( ...and You Can Too)

Here's the simple weight loss method that works best for me:

As we all know, In order to lose weight we need to create a “calorie deficit”.  What that means is, we must eat less calories than our body burns in a day. There's no way around it.

To utilize this method I use a free app called: "Healthy Weight Loss Planner", you can install it to your android phone or tablet from here, or if you don't have an android device you can access the online version here. (by the way, I developed this app myself for my own needs and make it available for all to use for free).

Now here's how this simple system works:

After installing or accessing the app online follow these three steps:

First: Use the 'BMI Calculator' to check your Body Mass Index (an indicator of body fat), and see where it fits within the BMI categories.

Second: use the 'Daily Calorie Needs Calculator' to determine the number of calories needed each day to maintain your current weight.

Third: use the 'Daily Diet Planner tool' to set a daily calorie target and construct a daily food plan to fit your target (and your diet's food discipline). Now obviously you need your target calorie intake to be less than your daily calories needs. How much less? Aim to subtract 500 to 1000 calories daily, this translates into losing about 1 to 2 pounds a week respectively (about 0.5kg to 1kg).

For example: if your daily caloric needs are 2200, and you want to lose 2 pounds (1kg) per week, your daily calorie target should be 1200. Once you achieve your goal, you can revert to a target of 2200 to maintain your desired weight.

A pace of 1 to 2 pounds a week will allow you to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. Keep in mind that setting realistic goals and tracking your progress are key to your success. Research has shown that those who keep track of their behaviors are more likely to take off weight. As a matter of fact, setting unrealistic diet goals is the main reason most diets fail. You want to develop lifestyle habits that will help you maintain your weight in a healthy range. A short-term "diet" that you "go on" and then "go off" is not the answer to long-term weight management.

Note that the app sports a database featuring more than 400, mostly non-processed foods. The variety of foods allows you to construct food plans that adhere to any diet rout you decide to take. With this app you will be able to construct a food plan that fits perfectly with your specific diet discipline. Enjoy!

Healthy Meal Plans

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