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Watch This Video Before Starting Your Fragrance Oil Business Plan PDF!

Checklist for Starting a Fragrance Oil Business: Essential Ingredients for Success

If you are thinking about going into business, it is imperative that you watch this video first! it will take you by the hand and walk you through each and every phase of starting a business. It features all the essential aspects you must consider BEFORE you start a Fragrance Oil business. This will allow you to predict problems before they happen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas. Ignore it at your own peril!

For more insightful videos visit our Small Business and Management Skills YouTube Chanel.

Here’s Your Free Fragrance Oil Business Plan DOC

This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete with detailed instructions and all related spreadsheets. You can download it to your PC and easily prepare a professional business plan for your Fragrance Oil business.
Click Here! To get your free business plan template

Free Book for You: How to Start a Business from Scratch (PDF)

A Step by Step Guide to Starting a Small Business
This is a practical manual in a PDF format, that will walk you step by step through all the essential phases of starting your Fragrance Oil business. The book is packed with guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are absolutely crucial to your business' success yet are simple and easy to apply.

Copy the following link to your browser and save the file to your PC:

Positive Discipline

The word discipline carries with it many negative meanings. It is often used as a synonym for punishment. Yet discipline is also used to refer to the spirit that exists in a successful ball team where team members are willing to consider the needs of the team as more important than their own.

Positive discipline in a business is an atmosphere of mutual trust and common purpose in which all your employees understand the company rules as well as the objectives, and do everything possible to support them.

Any disciplinary program has, as its base, that all of your employees have a clear understanding of exactly what is expected of them. This is why a concise set of rules and standards must exist that is fair, clear, realistic and communicated. Once the standards and rules are known by all employees, discipline can be enforced equitably and fairly.

A good set of rules need not be more than one page, but prove essential to the success of a small business. A few guidelines for establishing a climate of positive discipline are given below:

There must be rules and standards, which are communicated clearly and administered fairly.

Rules and standards must be reasonable.

Rules should be communicated so they are known and understood by all employees. An employee manual can help with communicating rules.

While a rule or a standard is in force, employees are expected to adhere to it.

Even though rules exist, people should know that if a personal problem or a unique situation makes the rule exceptionally harsh, the rule may be modified or an exception be granted.

There should be no favorites and privileges should be granted only when they can also be granted to other employees in similar circumstances. This means that it must be possible to explain to other employees, who request a similar privilege with less justification, why the privilege cannot be extended to them in their particular situation.

Employees must be aware that they can and should voice dissatisfaction with any rules or standards they consider unreasonable as well as with working conditions they feel hazardous, discomforting or burdensome.

Employees should understand the consequences of breaking a rule without permission. Large companies have disciplinary procedures for minor violations which could apply equally well in small companies. They usually call for one or two friendly reminders. If the problem continues, there is a formal, verbal warning, then a written warning, and if the employee persists in violating rules, there would be a suspension and/or dismissal. In violations of more serious rules, fewer steps would be used. It is not easy to communicate this procedure since it should not be so firm that it can be expressed in writing. If it is made clear to employees who violate a rule at the first reminder, the procedure soon becomes understood by all.

There should be an appeals procedure when an employee feels you have made an unfair decision. At the very least, the employee should be aware that you are willing to reconsider your own decision at a later time.

Employees should be consulted when rules are set.

There should be recognition for good performance, reliability and loyalty. Negative comments, when they are necessary, will be accepted as helpful if employees also receive feedback when things go well.

No matter how good the atmosphere of positive discipline in your business, rules are bound to be broken, by some people, from time to time. In those situations, corrective action is sometimes necessary. In some rare cases, the violation may be so severe that serious penalties are necessary. If an employee is caught in the act of stealing or deliberately destroys company property, summary dismissal may be necessary. In all other severe cases, a corrective interview is needed to determine the reasons for the problem and to establish what penalty, if any, is appropriate. Such an interview should include all, or most, of the following steps:

Outlining the problem to the employee, including an explanation of the rule or procedure that was broken.

Allowing the employee to explain his or her side of the story. This step will often bring out problems which need to be resolved to avoid rule violations in the future.

Exploring with the employee what should be done to prevent a recurrence of the problem.

Reaching agreement with the employee on the corrective action that should be taken.



Since the owner of Your business you deal with problems in a nearly daily basis. Being familiar with powerful Problem Solving
Techniques can dramatically alter the development of your business.

Although you Find answers to your issues, many people are not really proficient in the ways of problem solving, and when solutions
fail, they mistake themselves for misjudgment. The problem is typically not misjudgment but instead a lack of skill.

This manual Educates you in some problem solving techniques. Crucial to the success of a business faced with problems is your
understanding of what the problems are, defining them, finding answers, and selecting the best solutions for your situations.

What's a problem. A dilemma is a situation that poses trouble or perplexity. Problems come in many shapes and dimensions. By Way
of Example, it may be:

Something did Not function as it should and you don't know how or why. Something you need is inaccessible, and something must be
found to take its place. Workers are undermining a new program. The market is not purchasing. What should you do to live?
Customers are complaining. How can you manage their complaints?

Where do Issues come from? Issues arise from every facet of human and mechanical purposes in addition to from nature. Some issues
we cause ourselves (e.g., a hasty choice was made and the wrong individual was selected for the task ); additional problems are
caused by forces beyond our control (e.g., a warehouse is struck by lightning and burns ).

Problems are a Natural, everyday occurrence of lifestyle, and so as to suffer less from the tensions and frustrations they cause,
we must learn to manage them in a reasonable, logical manner.

If we accept The simple fact that issues will arise on a regular basis, for a variety of reasons, and by a variety of sources, we
can: learn to approach problems from an objective standpoint; learn how to expect some of them; and prevent some of them from
becoming larger issues.

To accomplish This, you need to learn the process of problem solving. Here, we will instruct you in the fundamental methods of
problem-solving. It is a step-by-step guide that you may easily follow and exercise. Since you follow this manual, you will
eventually develop some strategies of your own that function in concert with all the difficulty process described in this guide.

Remember, However, as you see that this isn't a comprehensive analysis of the artwork of problem-solving but rather a practical,
systematic, and simplified, yet powerful, method to approach issues contemplating the limited time and information most business
owners and managers have. In addition, some issues are so complicated that they require the further aid of experts in the field,
so be prepared to accept the fact that some issues are beyond just one person's ability, ability, and desire to succeed.

To be able to Appropriately recognize the problem and its triggers, you must do some research. To do so, simply list each of the
previous queries in checklist form, and keeping the checklist handy, go about gathering as much info as you possibly can. Remember
the relative importance and urgency of the problem, as well as your own time constraints. Then interview the folks involved with
the issue, asking them the questions on your own checklist.

After you've Gathered the data and reviewed it, you will have a pretty clear understanding of the problem and what the significant
causes of the issue are. Now, you can find out more about the causes farther through observation and extra interviewing. Now, you
should summarize the issue as briefly as possible, list all the causes you've identified, and record all of the areas the issue
appears to be affecting.

At this point, You are prepared to check your understanding of the problem. You've already identified the issue, broken down it
into all its aspects, narrowed down it, done research on it, and you're avoiding typical roadblocks. On a large mat, write down
the issue, including all the variables, the regions it affects, and what the consequences are. For a better visual understanding,
you may also want to diagram the problem demonstrating cause and effect.

Study what you Have written down and/or diagrammed. Call in your workers and discuss your analysis together. Based on their
feedback, you may choose to revise. Once you think you fully understand the causes and effects of the issue, summarize the issue
as succinctly and as simply as possible.

Proceed through your Long list of alternatives and cross-out those that obviously won't work. Those ideas are not wasted because
they impact on these thoughts that remain. In other words, the best ideas you select may be revised based on the ideas that would
not work. Together with the rest of the solutions, use what is known as the"Force Field Analysis Technique." This is fundamentally
an analysis technique that breaks down the solution into its positive results and negative outcomes. To do this, write each
solution you're considering on a different piece of paper. Below the solution, draw a line vertically down the middle of this
newspaper. Label one column advantages and one column downsides.

Now, some more Analytical thinking comes into play. Assessing each facet of the solution and its influence on the issue, listing
each of the advantages and disadvantages you may think of.

1 way to help You think about the benefits and disadvantages would be to role-play each solution. Call in a few of your workers
and perform out each solution. Ask them for their reactions. Depending on what you observe and on their opinions, you will get a
better idea of the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative you're considering.

Once you Complete this procedure for every solution, pick those options which have the Most advantages. At this point, you should
be considering only three or two.

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