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Watch This Video Before Starting Your Keto Business Plan PDF!

Checklist for Starting a Keto Business: Essential Ingredients for Success

If you are thinking about going into business, it is imperative that you watch this video first! it will take you by the hand and walk you through each and every phase of starting a business. It features all the essential aspects you must consider BEFORE you start a Keto business. This will allow you to predict problems before they happen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas. Ignore it at your own peril!

For more insightful videos visit our Small Business and Management Skills YouTube Chanel.

Here’s Your Free Keto Business Plan DOC

This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete with detailed instructions and all related spreadsheets. You can download it to your PC and easily prepare a professional business plan for your Keto business.
Click Here! To get your free business plan template

Free Book for You: How to Start a Business from Scratch (PDF)

A Step by Step Guide to Starting a Small Business
This is a practical manual in a PDF format, that will walk you step by step through all the essential phases of starting your Keto business. The book is packed with guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are absolutely crucial to your business' success yet are simple and easy to apply.

Copy the following link to your browser and save the file to your PC:

How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

When faced with fear, we often talk ourselves out of taking action. Most of the time, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

1. Breathe!

When we are excited, we get body sensations that can stop us. Stop, take some deep breaths and then proceed. This is especially important to help your voice sound calm when your knees are shaking.

2. Remember, it isn't about you!

When you get rejection, it is usually because the other person doesn't need what you are offering. It isn't personal. They may just be having a bad day. Or if they are genuinely a nasty person, they gave you a break by not prolonging the relationship!

3. Picture The WORST

Can you live through that? We awfulize most things and imagine the outcome far worse than it usually is. Ask yourself, what is the worst that can happen? Most of the time, you can handle it!

4. Master The Topic

If we feel confident in our knowledge, the fear about sharing it with others decreases. Even if they don't see value or agree with us, we feel okay, because we have developed an expertise that gives us confidence in ourselves.

5. Put something at stake or give yourself reward

A reward or penalty that is big enough will motivate sometimes. A sales trainer coached a real estate agent in making regular prospecting calls to write a check for $1000 to his ex-wife and have his secretary send it any day he did not make the number of prospecting calls he said he would.

6. Get a Buddy

Taking on something fearful with another person often will get you through it and keep you from having those dialogues in your head that try to talk you out of it. A coach can also help shine light into those dark areas!

7. Talk about it out loud

Once you identify the fear and talk about it out loud, it will often diminish. Another technique is to close your eyes and picture yourself doing that thing you are afraid to do. Now run through the same scene but do it very fast. Now run through it very slow, next make it silly, make it brighter, make it dimmer. Has some of the fear dissipated?

8. Read something inspirational or listen to tapes.

Play your favorite motivational tape or read something inspirational right before you take action to help your mind focus on what is POSSIBLE rather than what could derail you. Think about how you will feel when you have taken action. Write down the top 10 feelings you'll have when you have done this thing!

9. Use your strengths-take the easy way!

Sometimes we focus on thinking we "should" do things that just aren't our strengths. Take a look to see if you can accomplish what you want some other way. What easy ones can you do first? How can you leverage what you already have without having to tackle an unknown.

10. If you have a frog to swallow, do it quickly

Don't look at it too long. Sometimes, there is no way around the fact, you are going to have to take an action that is fearful. The longer you fret about it, there more energy you waste. JUST DO IT!!!!



Predict Your Future. Do not use a crystal ball to make forecasts of your small business. By carefully analyzing the historic
trends of your business enterprise, as shown in your records for the previous five years, you can predict for the year ahead. Your
listing of sales, your experience with the markets in which you sell, and your general understanding of the economy should allow
you to forecast a sales figure for the following year.

When You've Got a Sales forecast figure, make a budget demonstrating your costs as a proportion of that figure. Within the next
year, you can compare actual P&L amounts to your budgeted figures. Thus, your financial plan is an important tool for determining
the health of your enterprise.

Make Timely Decisions. Without action, predictions and conclusions about the future are not worth the paper they're written on. A
decision that doesn't result in action is a bad one. The pace of business needs timely in addition to informed decision making. If
the owner-manager is to stay ahead of competition, you must move to control your destiny.

Powerful Decision making from the small business requires a number of things. The owner-manager must possess as much accurate
information as you can. With these details, you need to determine the consequences of all possible courses of actions and the time
requirements. When you've created the decision, you've set up your company so that the choices you make can be transmitted into

Control Your Small Business. To be effective, the owner-manager must have the ability to motivate key people to get the outcomes
intended for within the cost and time constraints allowed. In working to attain results, the small business owner-manager has an
advantage over large business. You can be flexible and fast while many large businesses need to await committee action before a
decision is made. You do not need to get consent to behave. And equally important, bottlenecks to implementing new methods may
receive your personal attention.

One of the Secrets is in deciding what items to restrain. Even in a small company, the owner-manager should not attempt to be all
things to everyone. You should keep close control on individuals, products, cash, and some other resources that you consider
important to maintaining your performance pointed toward profit.

Manage Your Folks. Most companies realize that their biggest expense is labor. Yet because of the close contact with workers, a
few owner-manager of small businesses do not pay sufficient attention to direct and indirect labor costs. They tend to consider
these prices in terms of people as opposed to relate them to gain in terms of dollars and pennies.

Here are a few Suggestions regarding personnel handling:

Gradually Review each position in your company. Take a glimpse in the job. Is work being duplicated? Can it be structured so that
it motivates the worker to become concerned? Can the tasks be given to another employee or employees along with a position
removed? Can a part-time person fill the occupation.

Play A modest private mental game. Imagine you have to eliminate one employee, If you needed to let 1 person go, who'd it be? How
can you realign the jobs to make out? You could get a real solution to the fanciful difficulty is possible to your financial

Use Compensation for a tool rather than viewing it as a essential evil. Reward Superior work. Investigate the potential for using
raises and bonuses as incentives for greater productivity. By way of example, can you schedule bonuses as morale boosters through
seasonal slacks or other dull periods?

Remember There are new ways of controlling absenteeism through incentive compensation plans. For example, the owner-manager of a
small company eliminated vacations and sick leave. Rather, this owner-manager gave each worker thirty days annual leave to use as
the worker saw fit. In the end of the calendar year, the employees were paid at regular prices for the leave they did not use. To
qualify for the yearlong pay, the worker had to prove that sick leave was shot solely for that purpose. Non-sick leave needed to
be applied for in advance. As a result, unscheduled absences and overtime pay were decreased significantly. In addition, workers
were happier and more productive than they had been under the old system.

Control Your Inventory. Don't tie up all your cash in inventory. Use a perpetual inventory system for a cost control as opposed to
a system just for taxation purposes. Establish use patterns or buy patterns on the substances or items you must stock to keep the
minimum number needed to supply your clients to maintain production. Excessive inventory, whether it is finished merchandise or
raw materials, ties up capital that may be used to better advantage, for instance, to open a new sales territory or to buy new

Centralize your Purchases and avoid duplications. Be a comparative shopper. Verify orders in writing. Get the price and amount
straight right away.

Check what you Get for condition and quality. Check bills from suppliers against quotes. You don't want to be the victim of their

You Ought to, However, keep one fact in mind when you set up your inventory control system. Don't spend more on the management
system than it can return in savings.

Control Your Products. From charge of stock to control of merchandise is but a step. Make sure your sales people recognize the
value of promoting the products that are the most profitable. Align your service coverages along with your own markup in mind.
Arrange your products so that low markup things need the cheapest handling.

Control Your Cash. It's good policy to handle checks and cash as though they were perishable commodities. They are. Cash on your
safe earns no recurrence; and it Can be stolen. Bank promptly.

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