How to Get Free Publicity for Your Business | PR Tips for Small Business
Getting your business mentioned in the press is an extremely good way to achieve a positive image and attract new customers to your business. Few things can give you as much credibility than as being recommended by a major newspaper or magazine. But just how do you write a press release that gets attention, and brings in results? Although I can't guarantee that you'll get media attention, I can tell you how you can increase the odds of seeing your business in the real-world media.
What is a Press Release?
A press release is a document that is written out in a specific format that is used to pitch a reporter or editor or to make an announcement
that you believe is newsworthy.
The basic outline for a press release is as follows:
For Further Information Contact:
Full Name of Contact
Email Address
Direct Phone Number
Some City, Some State -- Date (i.e. January 27th, 2001) -- Introductory paragraph that answers Who, When, Where, What and So What?
A second paragraph offering more information.
Third paragraph includes a quote that's attributed to somebody important, for example: "It's a revolutionary product," says Joe Smith, CEO of Big Company Inc.
Fourth paragraph includes some more information, perhaps another quote.
Fourth paragraph often includes history and background information about the company.
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The entire press release should be no more than 400 words, or one printed page.
Five Things That You Must Do In Your Press Release
1. Make your press release newsworthy. Make sure that you have something to say that'll be of interest to the readers of the publication that you're sending the press release to. Keep in mind that the media love news stories with a human side to them. Make your angle on the story entertaining, interesting or newsworthy or don't bother sending out a press release at all.
2. Target your releases. There's no point in sending a press release about the launch of your jewelry store to "Fishing World" magazine.
3. Use the proper press release format. Have a professional check the press release for grammar and spelling.
4. Keep the press release concise. Get to the point in the first paragraph. Use clear, concise, vivid language. There's no better way to get your story ignored than sending a lengthy release which doesn't state it's purpose (Who, When, Where, What) right upfront. Don't fill the press release with buzz-words, hyperbole and exaggerated claims.
5. Write an excellent headline. The headline is 90% of your press release. Here are a few headlines that worked extremely well
- I Can Help Anyone Find the Love of Their Life in 90 Days Or Less!
- Abraham Lincoln's Office Is Being Given Away... For Free!
- Brooklyn Bridge Sold By New Jersey Man... For $14.95!
Write headlines that attract attention, stir emotion and create pictures in the mind of the reader.
More On Targeting
Be careful who you send your press release to. When compiling your own media list don't waste your time getting the email addresses or fax numbers of every newspaper and magazine in the country, just the ones who would be interested in your story. Likewise, when you purchase a media list, don't send your press release to every contact. Take some time to filter out all the ones who wouldn't care about your press release, no matter how good it is.
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