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Watch This Video Before Starting Your Skating Rink Business Plan PDF!

Checklist for Starting a Skating Rink Business: Essential Ingredients for Success

If you are thinking about going into business, it is imperative that you watch this video first! it will take you by the hand and walk you through each and every phase of starting a business. It features all the essential aspects you must consider BEFORE you start a Skating Rink business. This will allow you to predict problems before they happen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas. Ignore it at your own peril!

For more insightful videos visit our Small Business and Management Skills YouTube Chanel.

Here’s Your Free Skating Rink Business Plan DOC

This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete with detailed instructions and all related spreadsheets. You can download it to your PC and easily prepare a professional business plan for your Skating Rink business.
Click Here! To get your free business plan template

Free Book for You: How to Start a Business from Scratch (PDF)

A Step by Step Guide to Starting a Small Business
This is a practical manual in a PDF format, that will walk you step by step through all the essential phases of starting your Skating Rink business. The book is packed with guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are absolutely crucial to your business' success yet are simple and easy to apply.

Copy the following link to your browser and save the file to your PC:

Make sure to educate yourself on real estate before you get into investing. This is important as you will learn many different tips and strategies associated with the business. Buy many different DVD's and go to the library to read books on real estate to put yourself in the best position possible.

It is possible to get contracts set up for free. However, always be wary of doing this. Those free contracts may not hold up in court. Instead, find a good lawyer and pay a bit to have the contracts done the right way for you. You will not regret it.

Get to know the local property values. Knowing what the rent and mortgage if other properties is will give you a better idea of what the value of your property is. Once you have a good understanding of the street level conditions, you can make wiser decisions.

Get an understanding of tax laws and recent changes. Tax laws are updated and amended regularly which means it is up to you to keep up with them. Sometimes the tax situation on a property can really up the hassle. When it seems to be getting to thick to manage, consider a tax advisor.

Think long-term when investing in real estate. While some investors seek to make quick turnovers by buying cheap and flipping within weeks or months, your better bet is a longer view. Look for safe properties where you can park a big sum of money and get investment return via monthly income like rent.

Insure all of your properties, even if they are currently vacant. While insurance can get expensive, it will ultimately protect your investment. If something were to go wrong on the land or in a building you own, you will be covered. Also, have a general safety inspection conducted once in a while too, just to be on the safe side.

Your rental contract should include the requirement of a security deposit. This protects your interests if your tenant leaves your property in an uninhabitable state when he moves out. The contract gives you the right to keep the security deposit in order to hire a cleaning service or a repair service to fix the problems.

Always try to keep extra money allocated for paying the mortgage on the property in case it becomes vacant. Having extra money for this will make it easier to cover the mortgage until you get a new renter.

An excellent way to find out if it is worth investing in a particular neighborhood is to find out how many vacancies currently exist in the area. If you find out there are lots of vacant businesses and apartments in the area, chances are your property might be hard to rent.

Partner up with an attorney you can afford and trust. Do not sign any contract he cannot defend in court. Once you step into the world of real estate investment, you’re going to court is not a matter of if, but when. Be ready to have a legal fight over each and every deal.

Trust in math. It may sound silly, but the numbers are what real estate investing is all about. This is a high risk game to go by your get with. Numbers don't lie, so do the math you need to do to understand a good investment and then stick with the plan.

Avoid investing too much into your properties right from the start. Too many first-time investors think that they can recoup quickly if they invest a lot to start with. This can ravage your savings plan. Try starting out small. This type of investing should supplement your plans, not completely replace them. You can always make changes if you succeed.

Keep your investments diversified. Industries never all prosper all at once. The market is always fluctuating. By putting your money into many different places, you can make more and minimize the risk of losing all of your money on one bad investment. Diversifying your investments carefully is always a good idea.

Set a plan for your investing. Determine how much you have to spend and how much you would like to make. Then factor in the amount of time needed to see a gain and also consider the risk factor. The higher the risk, the bigger the potential gain, but also the greater chance of taking a loss.

Research companies prior to making a choice of where to put your funds. Do not simply rely on tips from those who may not have done their homework. Make certain that you understand their mission statement and information regarding the history of their CEO. This lessens the chance of making a poor investment.



The Majority of us are acquainted with the old riddle that goes:"If a tree Falls in the forest, and no one is in the region to
hear it, does it make a noise?" From a communication perspective, the answer has to be a certain"No." Though there are sound
waves, there's absolutely no sound because nobody perceives it. For communication to happen, there must be a sender and a
recipient. This chapter is centered on the receiver - the one who supplies feedback to the sender, the aim is to help you Improve
Listening Skills.

The goal to Improve Listening Skills takes us to what Saul Gellerman stated: "The sender, to be certain that his message is going
to be approved by the recipient, must be prepared to let the receiver sway him. He must even be prepared to let the receiver alter
or change the message in ways which make it more acceptable to the recipient. Otherwise, it might not be known or it may not be
accepted, or it may simply be given lip service and ignored."

This puts the responsibility for good communications squarely on the Shoulders of the sender and the receiver. Each of us plays
the roles of sender and recipient many times each day. Therefore, it's very important to learn to play each role well.

Researchers have found that the average individual spends much more Time every day in listening than in speaking, writing, or
studying. Therefore, Improve listening skills listening is a very important communicative job.

Did you know that we devote roughly 40 to 45 percent of our operating hours to listening? And were you aware that, when you
haven't taken steps to enhance this skill, you listen in only 25% efficacy? Putting these ideas together, would you feel
comfortable knowing you get 40 percent or more of your cover while listening at 25% efficacy? Otherwise, maybe acting on the
information imparted in this chapter can enhance your listening skills to above the average in listening efficiency. Tests have
shown that we can significantly raise the level of their listening performance by a little bit of research and practice.

The Significance of the listening ability to managers has been recognized by Industrial companies for a while. Dr. Earl Planty, in
his job as executive advisor at Johnson and Johnson, has stated:"By far the most effective method by which executives can tap
ideas of subordinates is listening from the numerous daily everyday contacts inside and outside the work place. There's not any
system that will do the job in an easier manner. Nothing can equal an executive's willingness to listen."

Recognizing the value of listening, many companies Provide training Programs to enhance this communicative skill. Some years ago
the Methods Engineering Council compared one group of participants in a preliminary discussion on efficiency in listening using
another group not participating in such a discussion. The contrast was made by testing each group. The test results showed the
marks made from the initial group were 15 percent greater - a significant improvement.

What Happens Is. We hear - frequently without listening - if sound waves Strike our eardrums. As soon as we don't remember what
we've heard, it's most likely because we did not listen. A good example is that often occurs when we're introduced to a new
employee or a new acquaintance. A few minutes later we can't recall the person's name. Why? Because we likely failed to hear the
name when we were introduced.

Johnson defines listening as"the capacity to Comprehend and respond effectively to oral communication." Thus, we could state at
the start that hearing isn't listening. Listening requires over hearing; it requires understanding the communication received.
Davis states it this way:"Hearing is together with the ears, but listening is with all the mind'."

A Few of the attributes of a good listener are as follows: '' He generally makes Better decisions since the inputs he receives are
better; He sees more in a predetermined period of time, thereby saving timeand He encourages others to hear what he says because
he seems more careful and better mannered.

The typical listener, after two weeks can recall just 25 percent of that which he Has discovered in a briefing or a speech.
Therefore, listening isn't effective for receipt and retention of factual particulars. For retention of factual information we
must place our dependence on the written word.

Researchers have found that we can improve our listening comprehension Roughly 25 percent. Most of us process the sender's words
so fast that there's idle time for us to consider the message while it is being given. In this idle period a great listener
ponders the sender's goals, weighs the evidence being presented, and searches for ways to understand the message. It follows that
fantastic listening can be considered"a conscious, positive act requiring willpower."

The capacity to listen effectively may be acquired via Discipline and practice. As a listener you should physically and
emotionally Get prepared for the communication. You Have to Be physically relaxed and Mentally alert to get and understand the
message. Effective listening Requires continuing concentration (regardless of the length of the material ), Attention to the main
ideas introduced, note-taking (if the requirements have been Appropriate), and no emotional blocks to the message by the listener.
You Cannot listen and hope to retain the message. If you want to be an Effective listener, you need to provide the communicator of
the message sufficient Attention and make an attempt to understand his viewpoint.

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