Are you considering starting a Daycare Business and you’re in need of a daycare business plan PDF? if yes, you'll find this free book to be extremely helpful.
This is a practical guide that will walk you step by step through all the essentials of starting your business. The book is packed with guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are absolutely crucial to your business' success yet are simple and easy to apply.
Checklist for Starting a Business: Essential Ingredients for Success
If you are thinking about going into business, it is imperative that you watch this video first! it will take you by the hand and walk you through each and every phase of starting a business. It features all the essential aspects you must consider BEFORE you start a business. This will allow you to predict problems before they happen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas. Ignore it at your own peril!
Here’s a Valuable Free Gift for You
This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete
with detailed instructions and all related spreadsheets. You can
download it to your PC and easily prepare a professional business plan
for your business.
Click Here! To
get your free business plan template
The Single Most Important Ingredient for Business Success
The first and most important thing you need to acquire in order to succeed in a small business is... knowledge.
Sounds exaggerated? Listen to this...
According to research conducted by Dun & Bradstreet, 90% of all small business failures can be traced to poor management resulting from lack of knowledge.
This is backed up by my own personal observations. In my 31 years as a business coach and consultant to small businesses, I've seen practically dozens of small business owners go under and lose their businesses -- not because they weren't talented or smart enough -- but because they were trying to re-invent the wheel rather than rely on proven, tested methods that work.
Conclusion: if you are really serious about succeeding in a business... If you want to avoid the common traps and mistakes... it is absolutely imperative that you acquire the right knowledge.
"Why Invent Mediocrity, When You Can Copy Genius?"
That's an excellent quote I picked up from a fellow business owner a few years back. What this means is that you should see what is working and try to duplicate it. Why go through all the trouble of inventing something new, that you don't even know will ever work, when you can easily learn from and duplicate something that has been a proven success?
[ Note: One of the BIGGEST mistakes almost all new businesses make is that they WASTE tons of valuable time, energy and money on trying to create something "new", that has never been tested or proven... only to find out later that it was a total loss. Don't make the same mistake! ]
Hi! My name is Meir. I'm the founder and president of, a successful Internet based information business. I'm also the author of numerous books, mostly in the area of small business management.
I've been involved in small business for the past 31 years of my life, as a business coach, manager of a Daycare firm, a seminar leader and as the owner of five successful businesses.
During my career as a business coach and consultant I've helped dozens of business owners start their businesses, market, expand, get out of troubles, sell their businesses and do practically every other small business activity you can think of.
You see, I have been there .... done it ... and bought the Small Business t-shirt! -- This free book contains techniques and strategies I've learned during my 31 year small business career.
Here's what you'll discover in the 'How to Start a Daycare Business' book:
How to determine the feasibility of your business idea - a complete fill in the blanks template system that will help you predict problems before they happen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas.
A detailed manual that will walk you step by step through all the essential phases of starting your business
A complete daycare business plan PDF template. This fill-in-the-blanks template includes every section of your business plan, including Executive Summary, Objectives, SWOT Analysis, Marketing Analysis and Strategy, Operations Plan, Financial Projections and more (a similar template is sold elsewhere for $69.95).
All this and much much more.
Success Tip: Setting Goals
Good management is the key to success and good management starts with setting goals. Set goals for yourself for the accomplishment of the many tasks necessary in starting and managing your business successfully. Be specific. Write down the goals in measurable terms of performance. Break major goals down into sub-goals, showing what you expect to achieve in the next two to three months, the next six months, the next year, and the next five years. Beside each goal and sub-goal place a specific date showing when it is to be achieved.
Plan the action you must take to attain the goals. While the effort required to reach each sub-goal should be great enough to challenge you, it should not be so great or unreasonable as to discourage you. Do not plan to reach too many goals all at one time.
Establish priorities. Plan in advance how to measure results so you can know exactly how well you are doing. This is what is meant by "measurable" goals. If you can’t keep score as you go along you are likely to lose motivation. Re-work your plan of action to allow for obstacles which may stand in your way. Try to foresee obstacles and plan ways to avert or minimize them.
Click here! to download your Daycare Business plan PDF book for free
Here're other free books in the "how to start a business" series that may interest you:
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COMPANY NAME is an organization that provides day care services to Irvington, NJ. This mid-sized child care facility serves children from infancy to twelve years of age. Their services are safe and secure, providing the parents with an excellent place where their children can be taken care of.
The Market
The market is quite competitive. COMPANY NAME will employ two strategies to differentiate them. The first is a pricing structure where COMPANY NAME services will be priced at 5%-10% less than the larger commercial run facilities. The second differentiating effort will be benchmarked customer service. A customer-centric philosophy will be infused within the entire organization. COMPANY NAME will spend extra money to attract and train the best employees. This is especially important because it is the employees that interact with both the children and parents and will have the best chance to impress them enough to turn them into a loyal customer as well as to be vocal in telling their friends about their positive child care experience.
The Customers
COMPANY NAME will be concentrating on two different target customer segments. The first is full-time working couples. This group is forecasted to account for 80% of the company's business. The second group of customers are drop in, customers who use COMPANY NAME sporadically, whenever the need arises. This group is growing at 20%.
The purpose of this plan is to attain $650,000 in grant funding to build a new facility, upgrade equipment and furniture and hire new employees. The new facility will house special needs classes for children, a recreation room and administration offices.
The company's objective is to build quality, full-service that will command the approval of the predominate community which it serves.
Our goals include:
Currently, there are no quality child care and schooling centers in Irvington, or the surrounding areas (for a radius of 50 miles). The company believes that by progressing in the marketplace first and by establishing quality facilities, it will become, and remain, a leader in the educational and community services in Essex County.
COMPANY NAME aims to offer safe and secure child care at all times. Close personal attention to each child is essential to providing a quality experience for all children; therefore, adequate personnel will be hired at all times to ensure each child has the proper supervision will in the company's care.
COMPANY NAME seeks to construct a building to create seven Special Needs classrooms, a recreation room and additional administrative offices.
Keys to success for the company will include:
COMPANY NAME is a company owned by OWNER’S NAME. OWNER’S NAME has extensive experience in the child care industry, and has maintained excellent reputations in this same industry. OWNER’S NAME is capable of handling the sales/management and finance/administration areas, respectively.
This business is a C Corporation organized in the State of New Jersey, owned by OWNER’S NAME.
COMPANY NAME was established in 1999 by OWNER’S NAME. COMPANY NAME is a community-based organization that provides integrated and comprehensive services, in a sustained way, to the children and families of Irvington, New Jersey.
The company's goal is to design and provide effective programs throughout the lives of families. COMPANY NAME's services touch on every aspect of a healthful, positive, and successful life—including education, family, community, health, arts, culture, and recreation—and are designed to sustain young people as they progress into adulthood and independent lives of their own.
COMPANY NAME hopes to create a wellspring of community engagement and pride to break with the corrosive and desperate culture of street violence that, for decades, has been destroying lives and community in Irvington. Irvington is a town dispirited by poverty, violence and apathy. COMPANY NAME brings quality services and mobilizes individuals and resources to create the necessary conditions to help people help themselves and their neighbors.
The company also takes an integrative approach to strengthening the community by organizing neighborhood institutions from the bottom up.
COMPANY NAME philosophy is to find the best practices and program models that address urban poverty and violence and adapt them to Irvington’s needs and particularities. The organization seeks to partner with other organizations, when possible, to maximize resources.
COMPANY NAME has not had activity in the last few years and has not claimed any assets or liabilities. COMPANY NAME still files tax returns each year although there has been no reported activity.
COMPANY NAME offers child care services and community services for ages from infants to 12 years old. Hours of operation are from 6:00 A.M. to Midnight, Monday through Friday.
Supervising people involves more than telling them what to do. Effective supervision involves motivation from within the individual, not by externals.
1. Treat them as individuals, not merely as necessary cogs in a wheel. Remember their personal problems, find appropriate times to ask how they or their families are, how the big event went, whether the plumbing problem got fixed.
2. Acknowledge their contributions. Let them be confident that when you pass their suggestions and contributions up the chain of command you will acknowledge the members of your team as the source.
3. Back them up. When things go wrong, the buck stops at your desk. Do not deal with problems by telling your superiors how awful your supervisees are. Tell how you will go about preventing a re-occurrence.
4. Take time for them. When a supervisee comes to you, stop what you are doing, make eye contact. If you can't be interrupted, immediately set up a later time when you will be able to pay full attention to them. Otherwise people may feel that they are bothersome to you, and you may someday find yourself wondering why no one tells you what is happening in your own department.
5. Let them know that you see their potential and encourage their growth. Encourage learning. Help them to take on extra responsibility, but be available to offer support when they are in unfamiliar territory.
6. Explain why. Provide the information that will give both purpose to their activities and understanding of your requirements. Providing information only on a need-to-know basis may work for the CIA, but it does not build teams.
7. Don't micro-manage. Let them know the plans and the goals, that you trust them to do their best, and then let them have the freedom to make at least some of the decisions as to how to do what is needed. Morale and creativity nosedive when the flow of work is interrupted by a supervisor checking on progress every two minutes.
8. Let them work to their strengths. We all like to feel good about our work. If we can do something that we do well, we will feel proud. If you believe supervisees need to strengthen areas of weakness, have them work on these, too, but not exclusively.
9. Praise in public, correct in private. NOTHING undermines morale as effectively as public humiliation.
10. Set reasonable boundaries, and empower your supervisees to set theirs. Once set, respect them. This is not a challenge to your power, it is their right as human beings.
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